My friend Nicole {morgan's boutique} and I took a couple of hours yesterday and spent it in lovely downtown Milford. We went specifically for their wonderful Farmer's Market and ended up strolling the streets & grabbing a bite to eat. I may have bought my 7th pair of sunglasses. They're gold aviators with a bit of red trim, I'm a bit of a sunglass whore. Anyway, thought I'd show you some shots of our little trip.
Some of you may be shocked to hear me promote another community, I'm such a die hard Holly-ite{?} But small communities can support each other, it doesn't need to be a competition. The same folks that enjoy supporting and participating in other communities are the exact same individuals that will support Holly. Ok, enough ranting on with the photos....
{i love the plantings around their trees and the wrought iron fencing. the cast leaf is large enough to be a small table top. the genius behind it is Chris's niece. Chris makes WONDERFUL all natural hand made soap -pics below- and is one of the nicest happiest people I've ever met! if you can't make it to the market her soap is available for sale at morgan's boutique in downtown holly!}
{some of the gorgeous flowers for sale at the market}
{chris's soap. it is so moisturizing when you get out of the shower your skin will feel like you already put lotion on! they smell marvelous and are so gentle, i could go on & on.}
{they had these little bench areas downtown and i couldn't get enough of the hanging baskets. each lamp post had two baskets of wave petunias in the same lovely shade of magenta with some trailing vines. the continuity it created was gorgeous.}
{radishes and snap peas. love the color}
{blueberries and raspberries as far as the eye could see. other farmers had michigan cherries as well but some how i didn't get a shot of those. there was so much to see and take in. a lot of plants, herbs and produce even though it's early in the season. i think i'll need to go back, the milford rub company -meat rubs- was there too and i think that will make a great gift for my brother-in-law's birthday that's coming up in a couple weeks.}