Why hello! I am back, refreshed & ready to take on the world. The first point of attack - the back room at the studio. I would have taken before & after photos but the before would have been too embarrassing. We are talking serious disarray. I'm a fairly organized person, ask me for an item & I'll find- it just might take me a little while. And I do hate to throw things away, I'm not a hoarder like on that TLC show, I just know at some point that left over bit of fabric or old picture frame that's missing the glass will come in handy. {and more often than not they do}
After a good clean like this I'll be good for awhile, putting things away where they belong, very proud of myself and how orderly I am. But not too long from now piles will start to form. A pile of mail will appear on my desk, another of magazines & catalogs on the table in the back room and the never ending piles {there's always at least 2 or 3} of ideas & notes written on scraps of paper. Several lists will be made as to how to organize it all, but for now it's clean & orderly.
On a complete side note.....
.....while the studio was closed last week I took some time to read some blogs & sites I had bookmarked over the last month or so I'm not sure how I got to his site but I happened upon the site of Prague-based designer Pavel Fuksa who ambitiously designed 178 different matchbox designs for use in a new music video by Navigators.
I love them just all laid out in one composition, {wouldn't that look great as a huge print?} but the music video {it's below} is pretty cool too.