
{2 4 8 . 2 4 0 . 4 6 6 4} ............... {two fifteen b south saginaw street downtown holly mi 48442} ............... {s i t e & e m a i l }

{i love our community}

I used to love shopping at World Market, I could always find unique items & gifts. A couple years ago I found these gorgeous mercury glass pillar candle holders and have been picking up other pieces every since. I love the rough, uneven beauty in the finish & how it pops against my bright pink wall.

And what a surprise I received the other day when Lisa from the Arcade around the corner {it's an antique mall and when my sister and I were kids they had an old theater ticket box in the very back, complete with a dummy dressed in a vintage uniform. we would dare each other to see who could get the closest. we would end up running away before we got too close, the thought of it still creeps me out a bit}, anyway - Lisa came across this beautiful mercury glass bird to add to my collection. It was so thoughtful & nice, and as hard as I tried she wouldn't let me pay for it.

I am so happy & proud to belong to this community.......